11/12/2023 |
TISIS Tab for iOS Discontinuation Announcement |
26/10/2023 |
Merger between Tornos and Starrag is on track |
20/10/2023 |
TISIS, the programming and monitoring software from Tornos, celebrates its 10th anniversary: always smarter, faster and more accurate |
07/09/2023 |
Tornos at EMO Hannover 2023: pushing the limits of technology with new Swiss XT range |
24/08/2023 |
TITANS of CNC to host first exclusive event for Tornos’ VIP customers in the United States |
18/08/2023 |
Tornos minimizes its environmental impact by installing rooftop solar photovoltaic panels |
27/06/2023 |
Tornos' exclusive, immersive The Mini Factory: Medtech event in Barcelona showcases the most innovative solutions for medical technology manufacturing |
05/06/2023 |
Tornos to showcase its high-precision watchmaking and jewelry solutions at EPHJ trade show |
20/04/2023 |
Tornos to detail industry issues and challenges at SIAMS TV Days |